Homeowners Association
Maltby Road
Brighton, Michigan



 Board of Directors

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Frequently Asked Questions
Are there quarterly meetings planned for the neighborhood so that we can bring up issues (as needed on a regular basis) or are we relying solely on communicating with each other via email?
The Board is currently in the process of setting up an open meeting.  Notification should be arriving in the mail in the next few weeks. There are questions that are still being addressed in relation to the transfer of Association documents to the Board from Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc.  We feel that an open meeting would be much more productive once these issues are addressed. As of this point, communication through email is our best means to address all issues.

What are the plans for maintenance on the common areas and two walk paths?
We are currently interviewing contractors and soliciting bids for snow removal. We intend to hire someone very soon to plow the roads, as required by the Bylaws. The plowing of the path is also being discussed as part of this issue. We will hire a contractor to cut the common areas next year.

When you enter the subdivision from Goldwin Drive, it is an eyesore with left over bricks and concrete, overgrown weeds and a fence that looks like it is falling over.  This has been discussed with Mitch Harris Building Company.  Is it possible to have a landscaped ‘Entering Chadwick Farms’ in this area?
The Board has not heard any details from the Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. addressing this issue.  To help remedy the situation, we would need to address the items that would be needed and then hire or coordinate people to complete the work. As of this point, any information that you discussed with Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. representatives would be helpful. Some of the beautifying activities could and may require a special assessment to purchase and complete the items at hand.

What about closing off the Goldwin Drive entrance and creating a subdivision park?

This would be an item for Green Oak Township officials. If approved by Green Oak Township, and per the Bylaws, this item would have to go to the homeowners for a vote, with 66% of the homeowners in favor. There are also multiple liabilities involved in having a community park. Stated lightly, this would be a huge undertaking, and this would also require a special assessment to complete this work.

The walkway which leads to Hawkins Elementary School needs to be addressed.   Often, there are vehicles using this as a service drive.  The problem typically lies with parents and coaches of sporting events.  Some sort of sign or help from the school would be wise!
Many of the people in the sub have children as well as some of the Board members. The issue of cars using the gravel drive at Hawkins is an issue that has to be dealt with by Brighton Area Schools. The Board of Directors has no control over this matter.  A request to the Brighton Area Schools Superintendent, David Pruneau at (810) 299-4040 would be the best suggestion from concerned parents. The Board could call to inquire, but it would only result in one call. Our best suggestion would be to have multiple parents call and request the same service, resulting in multiple complaints.

Is there a way we can prevent public parking on Goldwin Drive for sporting events at Hawkins Elementary School?
The Bylaws give the Board of Directors no right to legally tow or remove cars from parking on the street.  There are currently signs that are posted to notify people of this 'No Parking' area. Our best suggestion would be to ask the people parking there to please not do so, or to call the Green Oak Township Police in regards to this situation. The Board has no power over parked cars, especially those that are not homeowners in the sub.

What is the status of the two vacant lots on Saddlewood Circle?
he Board has received notification of the owner of the two lots. As for the time limit on building, there is no contract with Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. in relation to build time and/or the company that can build on those lots. The lot owner is not required to use Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. If the owner of the two lots would like to sell, Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. has the first opportunity to purchase the lots. In relation to this issue, all dues are paid for both lots, and the owner is responsible for upkeep of those lots.

Grass cutting around common areas (specifically the pond and vacant lots). This is not currently being done by the association or Mitch Harris.  Who will be cutting this next summer?
Mitch Harris has never paid to have the common areas mowed, this was always paid using Association funds. We will hire a contractor to cut the common areas next year. Cutting of the two empty lots is the responsibility of the owner of the property and they will be made aware of this next spring. In the event they elect to neglect the property, the Association has the right to perform the maintenance and bill the owner.

Esthetics of the "pond".  Is anything going to be done next year about the stagnant and green scum pond as well as the silver drain (currently this is filled with cement.....therefore if water was to get that high there is no where for it to go anyway) Can this be trimmed down, removed totally, something placed over it. Currently this entire pond is an eye sore.
We have asked Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. representatives about the chemicals that have been used in the past to control algae, etc. As a Board, we plan to address this topic more in-depth in the spring. We understand the issue with the appearance of the pond area. To plant trees and add a fountain would be very costly and require a special assessment to pay for this. For this item to move forward, we would need 51% of the homeowners to vote in favor of a special assessment.

Is it possible to get us all with the same garbage service pick-up on the same day? I'm sure a company would love the entire sub possibly at a discounted rate.
We have discussed this issue. Unfortunately, we cannot force anyone to use a particular service. However, we intend to "suggest" a single company and attempt to negotiate lower rates.

What are the anticipated association dues for 2006?
The dues for 2006 are undetermined, but we do not expect them to be raised a significant amount, unless the community desires a large amount of beautifying work.

What about the storm drains, are they open?  Need to be cleaned out? Who is going to take care of this?
We have made the Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. aware of our concerns in relation to the drains. They have been inspected, and we have been assured by Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. representatives that they will be in good working order upon completion of all construction.

What about second homeowners, who is responsible for forwarding the bylaws to them to ensure they agree with the association rules and regulations.
Real estate agents are responsible for the transfer of Bylaws, and they are very aware of these rules, as it is also a state law. Thus, agents usually take care of this matter. We have also created a new homeowner packet which we have distributed to the new homeowners since the Board took over. Finally, we are in the process of setting up a community website that will have these forms available.

What is the purpose of the loan number on the Mortgage Form and can it be omitted? 
The loan number can be deleted from the Mortgage Information Form. If needed, the Board may have to contact each homeowner in the event that more information is needed.

On the Designated Voter Form, can the ‘designated voter’ be changed to ‘voter’?
Per the Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 3, the Designated Voter Form is used to designate only one individual representative who shall vote at meetings of the Association and receive all notices and other communications from the Association. Per Article VIII, Section 5, votes can be via a written absentee ballot duly signed by the designated voting representative.

A homeowner mentioned that the drainage of the pond is now south to north and the overflow tubing has been capped off.  It was suggested that the re-digging of the retention pond represents the bulldozer charge.  Does Mitch Harris Building Company plan on removing the overflow tube?
The issue of the retention/detention pond is being looked into. The Board has met with the office of the Livingston County Drain Commissioner to consult and research more detail about the pond.

Future plans for the service for the common areas?
In the spring, the Board will be taking bids on lawn maintenance for all commons areas throughout the subdivision. Similar to snow removal, this service will be awarded to a company and monitored by the Board.

Should the BOD develop a 5 /10/ 20 year plan for unforeseen future maintenance costs?  Is there a need to increase the homeowner dues?
As the year progresses, the Board will be better suited to establish a plan for the future. The Board will continue to investigate this situation. The current homeowner dues have been determined to be sufficient at this time, but a future increase in dues is possible.

MHBC brochure with the revision date of 7/21/2003, illustrates plans for a subdivision park.  Although the fine print reads ‘plans subject to change’, does MHBC plan to develop this area?
The MHBC statement ‘plans subject to change’ is the underlying framework for this situation. The Board is not currently aware of any plans to create a subdivision park now or in the future, as originally presented in these plans.

Does the homeowner of the vacant lots have a timeframe for building?  Can the two lots be combined into one lot?   Can the Association purchase the lots?
The owner of the two vacant lots does not have a set timeframe to build. The two lots could be combined into one, but this will take the approval of Green Oak Township. The Green Oak Township Zoning Ordinance governs this type of situation. At this point, the two vacant lots are not for sale. The Board has been told that if the two lots were to be placed ‘for sale’, Mitch Harris Building Company, Inc. would have the first opportunity to purchase these lots.

Can the BOD determine a standard for mailboxes?
Per Article VI, Section 22 of the Bylaws, the Architectural Control Committee can select a standard for mailboxes throughout the subdivision.

Can the BOD look into the possibility of creating a walkway path to Scranton Middle School?
This topic has been brought up previously by the Board, and will continue to be discussed. At this point the Board is reviewing the feasibility of this item.